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JFW Trucking has been Colorado's premier trucking & aggregate hauling company since 1935. JFW is ready to pay truck driver jobs & Local CDL jobs.
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iC-Haus GmbH is a leading German manufacturer of application-specific integrated circuits and customized semiconductor solutions with a global presence.
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Erleben Sie auf Schloss Weesenstein ein Kontrastprogramm zum Leben in der Großstadt – Natur, Romantik und ein Schloss mit über 700-jähriger Geschichte.
Das Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl befindet sich seit über 150 Jahren in Familienbesitz und zählt zu den renommiertesten Weingütern Deutschlands.
Bahntrassenradeln: Deutschlandweite Zusammenstellung von Radwanderwegen und Radwegen auf stillgelegten Eisenbahntrassen.
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Ganz oben in Nordrhein-Westfalen, zentral in Deutschland: Hier liegt die Region OstWestfalenLippe. Die OWL GmbH ist die Gesellschaft zur Förderung dieser Region.
Die filstalwelle wird in das digitale Kabelnetz von Vodafone eingespeist und zusätzlich per Livestream verbreitet. Damit können im Kreis Göppingen rund 256.000 Zuschauer die filstalwelle empfangen.
The Annual Grow Up Conference, Awards and Expo is the largest Cannabis Growers Conference and Canada and is focused on the education, collaboration, networking and growth of the cannabis industry in Canada and North America. We bring Licensed Producers, Micro Growers, Growing Suppliers, Manufacturers, Laboratories, Extractors, Automation and Engineering Companies, Legal, Safety, Government Officials, Investment firms and many more together for 3 days.
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Le Réseau des Grands Sites de France, association créée en 2000, regroupe aujourd’hui 53 Grands Sites de France labellisés et en projet : des paysages exceptionnels, fragiles, protégés, connus et reconnus de tous. Leurs responsables partagent les valeurs du développement durable et une même ambition : révéler, servir et transmettre “l’esprit du lieu” particulier à chaque Grand Site de France.
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The Limbless Association is the largest civilian limb loss charity in the UK. We offer information, advice and support for amputees.
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Justin Hileman is a buzzword compliant San Francisco based entrepreneur and software engineer.
Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media
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The international Green Product Award has been recognizing sustainable products and services from companies and start-ups since 2012. Deadline is November 11. With participants from 52 countries, it is the largest gathering place for sustainable innovations for designers, start-ups, VCs & experts.
When you’re looking for an unbeatable selection of plants, trees, and gardening supplies for your property, Sabellico Greenhouses & Florist should be your first phone call.
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Traumflieger Fotografics ist eine unabhängiger Blog für Technische Reportagen, Kamera- und Objektivtests und viele weitere Themen rund um Fotografie. Wir geben außerdem eine Makrofotografie-Fachzeitschrift heraus, die Traumflieger Makrowelt und betreiben einen Onlineshop für Fotozubehör.
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MYLYN Asian Cuisine & Sushi is the best sushi restaurant in Baden-Baden. We offer typical Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, and tempura with teriyaki.
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Schola Gladiatoria is a group of historical European martial artists based in London, England. We train in historical fencing, using longsword, sabre, sword and buckler and dagger.
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Forma Hauts de France est un centre de formation en prévention des risques professionnels basé à Corbehem à 5 minutes de Douai, face au manoir de Fourcy.
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Backbone: A Journey from Refugee to Neurosurgeon
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Farm Tables & Rustic Wedding Rentals in Los Angeles WEDDINGS | PARTIES | RENTALS | SPECIAL EVENTS "His & Hers Rentals is a family owned business showcasing our collective talents, providing you with the most professional & unique events possible." COLLECTIVE TALENTS His & Hers specializes in customized catering menus, vintage decor, outstanding service & all around woodworking. We want to assist you with having the time of your life! We strive to give a quality, professional & "family style" experience for your special day. Let my family get to know yours! I am Brandon, creator of His & Hers along with my wife's cousin Wes, are designers and the craftsmen of our amazing tables and wood decor. We hand craft one of a kind farm tables, benches & other vintage decor. The Executive Chef is a master of meats and an imaginative chef who will stop at nothing to individually slay each and every culinary challenge culminating in amazing blends of flavors. Vave Studios designs florals that are unique and enhance your vision, be it fairy tale, elegant, steampunk or ? So I guess you could say we love a special day and our family wants to be there to make your day special for your family. ABOUT US His & Hers is a family owned catering & rentals company focused on giving your guests the highest quality products & outstanding service. His & Hers Rentals and Kitchen is the co
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Profitap develops the ProfiShark Portable Packet Capture Devices, ProfiSight Network Traffic Analyzer, Network Packet Brokers and Network TAPs.
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