The Regional Business Partner Network is a gateway that connects New Zealand businesses to the right advice, people, funding and resources.
The nameserver ns2.dmzglobal.net have a IP Address of which is hosted on New Zealand.
The Regional Business Partner Network is a gateway that connects New Zealand businesses to the right advice, people, funding and resources.
Be a confident consumer. Find out what to know and do when purchasing a product or service.
GETS - Government Electronic Tender Service. GETS is a free service designed to promote open, fair competition for New Zealand Government contract opportunities.
The Companies Office is the government agency responsible for administering New Zealand’s business registers.
New Zealand Business Numbers (NZBNs) are globally unique identifiers that make doing business easier by linking to your business information.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) plays a central role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand economy.
We grant and register intellectual property (IP) rights in New Zealand. Our services help you protect your innovations so that you get the full economic benefit of your IP.
Tenancy Services website provides information for tenants and landlords on their rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act.
We package government information into handy tools and advice to help small businesses like yours get on and get ahead