Websites using nameserver

7 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on Hong Kong. Rank:1,454,877 Worth:$210

Founded in 1970, Joyce is recognised as a pioneering tastemaker in the fashion world, continuously representing designers who transcend creative boundaries, and championing craftsmanship and creativity. At its two boutiques in Hong Kong, Joyce brings a distinctly Asian lens to a vanguard edit of luxury, emerging and avant-garde brands, with an approach to women’s and men’s ready-to-wear that reaches beyond standard seasonal trends into a world of discovery, elevated through extraordinary creative visual storytelling.   Joyce is a part of The Lane Crawford Joyce Group, Asia’s Premier fashion retail, brand management and distribution group, which also includes iconic, luxury department store Lane Crawford, and fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brand management and distribution business Imaginex. Rank:245,831 Worth:$16,000

GS1 HK is the ONLY authorized barcode organization of GS1 barcode (HK 489 barcode) in Hong Kong. Over 8,000 companies using international barcodes (GTIN/UPC/EAN). We have not appointed any other barcode seller to sell GS1 bar code in Hong Kong

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