Websites using nameserver

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The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on United States.

Advanced Tint is a local business offering Seattle window tinting and paint protection services at reasonable prices.

Online shop selling Japanese gift items from kokeshi dolls to hanko stamp. Wide variety of Japanese item are sold.

American Indians in the United States are the indigenous peoples in North America within the boundaries of the present-day continental United States.

alterFin Yariv Alter Fin, born 1968 in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Self tought in photo-and videography, music making and computer programming. In 1985 formed the multimedia group D.X.M and cooperated until 1990, releasing various audio and video tapes, music CD's and graphic prints, and performing in diverse cultural contexts throughout Israel. In 1990 moved to Amsterdam and began a study at the Audio-Visual department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Graduating in 1995 and continuing to a postgraduate degree at the Graphic and Media design department of the Sandberg Institute. Cooperated during his studies with various Amsterdam based media and art organisations and events, including several group exhibitions in among others the galleries 'Arti et Amicitae' and 'de Appel', and creating CD-ROM, Internet and TV productions for among others 'Mediamatic' magazine, 'PARK-4DTV', 'Bellissima TV' and 'De Digitale Stad' in Amsterdam. Upon recieving his Masters degree began working for 'NL-design' and the 'Society for Old and New Media' on diverse projects including the online Web-Journal of the 'Ars Electronica' festival, Linz 1996 and two work periods in the 'Hybrid Workspace', Documenta X, Kassel 1997. His main work theme, Visual Philosophy, consists of the links between Fine-Art and Applied-design, between old media disciplines such as portrait art and poetry and new media such as video animation, interaction and hyperstructures. Currently finishing a one year guest pr

The Tawas Bay Weather Station, current information about Tawas Bay, Michigan weather conditions and 2 webcams.

Bad Ass Paint custom airbrush paints skulls, flames, tribal graphics, candy paint, animals, women, roses, fantasy designs and whatever you want on your motorcycle, helmet or car.

The City of Aurora is located in the State of Texas. Aurora is nestled quietly between the cities of Rhome and Boyd, on HWY 114, in Southeast Wise County.

Experiences of people living experiences and learning how to succeed to make the best of life

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The Paugusset Club offers a heated pool, 9 tennis courts, large clubhouse, resident coaches for swim, dive & tennis programs.

Podiatry and foot surgery. AFFC (Abilene Family Foot Center) is Dr. Chris Albritton, D.P.M., who is a Podiatric Physician (Podiatrist-Foot Doctor) who specializes in foot and ankle problems. Dr. Albritton offers an extremely thorough approach to the medical care of the foot. At AFFC, the Doctor will diagnose, evaluate and treat conditions that affect your foot and related structures. We have patients ranging from infants, to well over one hundred years old. Patients who run races and patients who no longer walk all come to see us for our friendly, professional service. We treat Diabetic foot problems, and treat patients with poor circulation and/or neuropathy in their feet. We work in a complex medical community on behalf of our patients in an attempt to save their limbs from gangrene and amputation. We treat injuries, broken bones, gout, arthritis, and more. We even trim toenails for those who no longer can do so themselves. AFFC is a community practice where our patients become our friends and are treated like family. The staff at AFFC is actively involved in teaching and training students from the Nursing program at Cisco College, and students in the Medical Assisting Technology program at Cisco College. The AFFC website has brochures on various foot problems, pictures of gangrene and other foot diseases. Diabetic Foot problems, Podiatric Medicine, brochures on various foot problems, Pictures of gangrene and other foot diseases, Abilene Family Foot Center, information on

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Bradley Hull IV, Esq. L.L.C. provides legal guidance for family law, estate planning and business law matters to clients located in Cuyahoga County. Call 866-682-0430.

Winnetka Heights Neighborhood Association – Winnetka Heights – a Historic Neighborhood in Old Oak Cliff, Dallas TX

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Nevada divorce documents, forms and papers are prepared and reviewed by a Nevada divorce attorney. We prepare all the Nevada divorce documents, forms and papers you will need.

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The TriTrack is a dual-mode electric car that can drive on the ground or on elevated monorails at 180mph.

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