Websites using nameserver

3 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on Canada. Rank:2,996,080 Worth:$100

SCSA: The right training, advice and programs for a better, safer construction industry. Constructing Safety Leadership for tomorrow.

Protein Industries Canada is one of Canadaโ€™s five Global Innovation Clusters. We accelerate innovation in plant-based protein and underpin the creation of new plant-based ingredients and food. We aim to expand opportunities for the agrifood sector to make Canada a global leader in plant protein. We represent a Canadian-made solution to the global food challenge, and the trailblazers we champion lead the way. As a global agriculture powerhouse, Canada has the means, resources, and skill to turn crops into food โ€“ and transform the way the world eats. We're bringing sustainable economic growth to Canada while providing solutions for some of humanity's greatest problems.

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