Websites using nameserver

9 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on United States. Rank:7,708,541 Worth:$10

Thank each of you who visit this site. Surviving breast cancer has been an incredible journey. We all have crosses to bear and those obstacles can allow growth if we open our hearts to GOD. I share this with you because since being a SURVIVOR, I have decided to accomplish something completely outside of my comfort zone every year. This year my goal is to get just a few minutes on national television!!! I am requesting your help with this. Emails have been sent, letters, scrapbooks, you name it, it has been done. If anyone has any contacts with anyone on any station, within the US, I will go there. My commitment to this goal, is because I CAN. The only limitations that exists are the self imposed ones. So, if you can help me achieve my goal this year, please let me know what is needed on my part. To date, I have bungeed jump, got a pink ribbon tatoo, did an adult tap dance recital, raised over $50,000 when I turned 50, did stand-up comedy routine (sold out 5 times!!!). Obviously, I am willing to do whatever it takes to attain this goal. Thank you in advance for your support AGAIN!!! lights, camera, action!!! Rank:2,981,561 Worth:$100

Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) is a foundation providing catalytic funding for innovative scientific research and the development of academic scientists. Rank:6,308,633 Worth:$13

Luxtor - Tienda Online Rank:9,829,373 Worth:$10

River Oaks Resorts - Lodging, Groceries, Beer, Wine, Liquor, Pool and Mini Golf all near the Frio River

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