Websites using nameserver

1 websites

The nameserver have a IP Address of which is hosted on United Kingdom.

The payment sector is expansive, increasingly diverse and complex, and plays a vital role in the UK economy. In representing and furthering the work of the industry, we want UK customers to benefit from the most modern, resilient and safe payments systems in the world, enabling competition, innovation, choice and opportunity. We work with our members to harness common standards, open technology and support a culture of collaboration, in order to maintain a resilient and sustainable ecosystem that works well for everyone.  We support our members on topics associated with innovation and digital transformation. These include the role and impacts of outsourcing and the shift to cloud, new technologies and products like digital money and digital ID, as well as overarching challenges like privacy and AI ethics, cyber security and ensuring business resilience. As well as supporting members on digital evolution, cash management and access to cash remain a policy priority to ensure that customers that need it can access cash. We seek to inform and support the work of regulators, develop proportionate and appropriate responses to regulatory asks, while ensuring that innovation and competition thrive. We engage with regulators and policy makers not only in the UK but also in the EU and internationally to secure the UK’s competitiveness globally. Our members represent the diversity of the financial sector: from new and established retail and wholesale banks to global digital platforms, n

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