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Welcome to Viva Caborca, the website that provides information about the city and municipality of Heroica Caborca, Sonora, the Pearl of the Sonoran Desert. This northern Mexico city has a number of interesting places to visit, and it is located just a short drive from the Arizona border.
Discover the natural beauty and rich cultural traditions of Arizona's neighbor to the south, the Mexican state of Sonora. Info for your Sonora adventures
Welcome to Planet Nogales, a site dedicated to showing the unique character of the cross-border communities of Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora. These adjoining cities are also known as Ambos Nogales, which means "both Nogales." The greater Nogales area has been called a "third country," a place that defies definition as a typical international border area - one that is perhaps not typically Mexican on one side or typically American on the other.