Reverse Google® Adsense

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Reverse Adsense lookup for: pub-7485198052466300

3 websites

Found 3 domains using Adsense ID: pub-7485198052466300 Rank:3,544,877 Worth:$22

Using recent court rulings and real-world, expert experiences, Commercial Lease Law Insider provides the most effective strategies for drafting and negotiating smart, owner-friendly leases. Written in easy-to-understand, plain English, this resource supplies the reader with word-for-word clauses and other ready-to-use lease language to help shopping center and office building owners and their attorneys negotiate the strongest, most beneficial lease possible. Rank:5,989,069 Worth:$13

Complying with today’s IRS, HUD, and state agency rules can be very tricky. What’s the best way to get unauthorized occupants off site? How can you audit-proof your records? How should you calculate the income of temporarily absent family members? This plain-English resource gives you clear explanations of the tax credit rules to help you avoid compliance mistakes that could jeopardize some—or even all—of your site’s tax credits. Rank:2,323,149 Worth:$130

Can you conduct criminal background checks without violating fair housing law? When is an accommodation request “reasonable”? How can you ensure your advertising is free from unintentional discrimination? Let this award-winning training resource steer you away from the risk of fair housing violations and expensive fines.

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