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Your ultimate source for workouts, nutrition, sports, and motivation advice.
ProgrammerAH | Programmer Guide, Tips and Tutorial
An advanced interactive monitor for Linux-systems to view the load on system-level and process-level.
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SQLBolt provides a set of interactive lessons and exercises to help you learn SQL
Test every key on your computer keyboard from within your browser for free.
KodeKloud is the #1 DevOps course provider and helps students learn trending technologies they need to thrive in their career. Learn more about KodeKloud!
A collection of R packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles.
A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
Google Sites Experts
Graphcool has sunsetted on July 1st, 2020
phpBB.cz - Česká podpora diskuzního systému phpBB
Are you searching for house plans, planning some work on your home or house hunting? Have confidence in your decisions - learn a little about home design before you make any expensive mistakes.
A Perl blog which explores how Modern Perl helps how great programmers solve their problems quickly and effectively.
Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language, designed to be a light-weight scripting language that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like video games.
JSON for Humans
Search for SAP development help and information based on object name of function modules, reports, tcodes, tables...
Xerfi Canal, Stimuler la réflexion sur l'économie, la stratégie et le management
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Batch applications for Windows.
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Curated tutorials on over 200 web technologies to make you an self-taught expert developer. Learn to code with languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Django, Rails, Node, and more.
This OID repository gathers information about Object Identifiers (OIDs), and provides tools to display, update and search for this information.
What is JBehave?
ALT Codes / Alt Key Codes
U++ - Cross-Platform App Development Framework
TinyGrab offers a web-based application that enables its users to upload and share screenshots with others
Medical Design Briefs features exclusive coverage of the latest medical and bio medical innovations from NASA, its industry partners, and other major players in medical research and development worldwide. From heart pumps and defibrillators to surgical robots, NASA has developed thousands of medical breakthroughs on the way to space. Articles and product briefs focus on design advances that are shaping the future of health care — improving safety and saving lives while reducing costs. Each issue reports on electronics, sensors, test, measurement, imaging, software, materials, mechanical components, manufacturing, prototyping, and much more.
RubyDoc.info: Documenting RubyGems, Stdlib, and GitHub Projects
A Java Programming Blog
ToyoDIY.com: Toyota, Lexus and Scion enthusiast and home mechanic's resource. Part numbers, do-it-yourself repair articles, tech. write-ups, and more.
Welcome to noekeon.org
Open Speech and Language Resources.
Indispensable amateur radio information, including: multiband antenna designs, on-line HF propagation prediction, calculators, live ham radio and GNU/Linux.
We have analyzed over 550 million reviews to give you the best algorithmic understanding of the products you want to buy.
This domain name has been registered with Gandi.net. It is currently parked by the owner.
Pragim technologies is the best software training institute in Marathahalli providing both classroom & online training by working software professionals.
The Windows Club is created by Anand Khanse, a Microsoft MVP and is primarily targeted at the Windows 7 & Windows Vista user and will address and cover issues in relation to Microsoft and Windows OS.
Application Error
Updated daily with iPhone tricks, tips, bug fixes, how to guides and news. We cover iOS, watchOS, macOS and everything Apple related!
ITIRAN | آی تی ایران – مرجع تازه ها و تحلیل های تکنولوژی در ایران
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GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Personal website of Jamie Nguyen
Open-source scheduling framework for .NET.
Personal site and technical blog of Frederic Cambus
Benchmarks & Tips for Big Data, Hadoop, AWS, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL, Spark, Python & More...
Die Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV) ist die übergeordnete und neutrale Anlaufstelle bei Fragen und Bedürfnissen zur Normung.
Frequently Asked Question List for TeX
A design systems publication by Figma
How to create fast database queries
Encode to URL-encoded format or decode from it with various advanced options. Our site has an easy to use online tool to convert your data.
Software QA and Testing Resource Center
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The Biotechnology Innovation Organization is the world's largest biotech trade association. Learn about BIO, register for events and explore member services.
React For Beginners — The best way to learn React
Java México | Comunidad de Desarrolladores Mexicanos
Fast, searchable Ruby documentation for core and standard libraries. Plus, links to tutorials, guides, books, and related sites.
Drivers for direct download are uploaded daily and rated by our users. Get all the data for your required driver including models, availability and OS compatability.
IT Voice provides an engaging platform for its valuable readers, advertisers and top decision makers. IT Voice now covers the entire nation as well bears a strong circulation across New Delhi/ NCR region and other metropolitan states. IT Voice has also represented India in multiple global forums.
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A browser-based game on online profiling.
The Linux Problem Base
Learn to build Android apps | Appinventor
Ian’s projects
Welcome to digip.org
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Falcon | The minimal, fast, and secure web framework for Python
Generate any random data you want with power of agile templates and save it to our servers for later use.
Intervention.io is the creator of solid and well crafted, open source software in PHP.
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Turf.js | Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and Node.js
DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD)
Agence de référencement naturel & payant pour les entreprises (TPE, PME & multinationales)
An innovative testing platform for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Open source. Highly extensible.
Excel Home - Free Excel Tutorial
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We. Computer. People.
Future of Web Apps
We are dedicated to the cause of fighting malware on the largest battlefield in the world: the Internet. We are ready to face the challenge of making the internet
Programming, Motherfucker - Do you speak it?
Collection of HTML5 tutorials and reference. Simple, complete, accessible, easy to navigate and free.
Focused mainly on x86 architecture, including x86-64 architecture, instruction encodings, reverse code engineering, and system programming in Windows and Linux OS.
Explore a wide range of website development tutorials, examples, tools, and references. Learn to code with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6), a wide selection of examples and tutorials to help beginner programmers.
Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge