Unirioja.es Web Analysis and Statistics

Website Summary

  • What is the traffic rank for Unirioja.es?

    Website Unirioja.es ranked 13,542 globally and 590 in Spain.

  • How many people visit Unirioja.es each day?

    Unirioja.es has about 88,000 visits and 380,000 pageviews per day.

  • Which countries does Unirioja.es receive most of its visitors from?

    Unirioja.es is mostly visited by people located in Spain, Mexico and Colombia.

  • How much does Unirioja.es earn a month?

    Each month Unirioja.es can earn $19,200 from advertising revenue.

  • How much is Unirioja.es worth?

    Estimated value of Unirioja.es is $460,000

Unirioja.es's metrics:

Global traffic rank:
Traffic rank in Spain:
Domain authority:
76 / 100
Referring Domains:
Daily income:
Estimated Worth:
Website category:
Safety status:

Unirioja.es Traffic Analysis

Daily unique visitors:
Daily pageviews:
Daily pageviews per visitor:
Daily time on site:
2:07 minutes
Traffic from search engine:
63.0 %
Bounce rate:
67.0 %
Monthly visits:
Annual visits:

Traffic by country:

# Country Traffic Percent Country Rank
1 🇪🇸 Spain 39.0% 441
2 🇲🇽 Mexico 16.7% 1,552
3 🇨🇴 Colombia 7.7% 1,363

Top keywords by traffic:

Keyword Search traffic
dialnet 1.55%
reflexión y análisis del mundo actual 0.95%
la vanguardia 0.51%
la rioja 0.48%
cantabria liberal 0.36%

Unirioja.es Domain Name Information

Domain TLD:

Domain Nameserver Information:

Host IP Address Country
chico.rediris.es 🇨🇦 Canada
dns-ext2.unirioja.es 🇪🇸 Spain

Full WHOIS Lookup:

Conditions of use for the whois service via port 43 for .es domains

Access will only be enabled for IP addresses authorised by Red.es. A maximum of one IP address per
user/organisation is permitted.

Red.es accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the availability of access to WHOIS, which may be
suspended at any time and without prior warning at the discretion of the public entity.

The service will be limited to the data established by Red.es.

The user promises to make use of the service and to carry out any action derived from the aforesaid
use in accordance with current applicable regulations, in particular with legislation on “.es” domain
names and personal data protection.

In particular, the user undertakes not to use the service to carry out abusive or speculative domain
name registrations, pursuant to section 5 of the Sixth Additional Provision of Law 34/2002, of 11 July,
on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Likewise, the User undertakes not to
use the service to obtain data, the possession of which may contravene the provisions of Organic Law
15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, and its Regulations, or in Law 34/2002, of 11
July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the immediate withdrawal of the service and any
registered domain name which breaches said conditions may be officially cancelled by Red.es.

The IP address used to perform the query is not authorised or has exceeded the established limit for
queries.To request access to the service,complete the form located at https://sede.red.gob.es/sede/whois,
where you may also consult the service conditions.

More information on each domain may be consulted at www.dominios.es.

Unirioja.es Server Information

DNS Record Analysis:

Host Type TTL Extra
unirioja.es NS 86400 Target: chico.rediris.es
unirioja.es NS 86400 Target: sun.rediris.es
unirioja.es NS 86400 Target: dns-ext.unirioja.es
unirioja.es NS 86400 Target: dns-ext2.unirioja.es
unirioja.es SOA 86400 MNAME: ib1.unirioja.es
RNAME: root.dns-ext.unirioja.es
Serial: 2015021439
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 2419200
Minimum TTL: 900
unirioja.es MX 3600 Priority: 10
Target: unirioja-es.mail.protection.outlook.com
unirioja.es TXT 86400 TXT: v=verifydomain MS=ms42925933
unirioja.es TXT 86400 TXT: google-site-verification=EYq77qayIMbkz8z4eCgIhQXW8ZcvdCqZF0SgXASpjns
unirioja.es TXT 86400 TXT: google-site-verification=PxJ109Oe6US5VpvbQJykfuWJf8SyrrYp8iiqeEBwCIU
unirioja.es TXT 86400 TXT: google-site-verification=vEGb3nGjPsEJsECMRCBFwAIkRt0TZBa9OgUkpQx0lQk
unirioja.es TXT 86400 TXT: v=spf1 include:mail.zendesk.com include:spf.protection.outlook.com include:mh.blackboard.com include:fund.unirioja.es include:spf.zoho.eu include:eu.transmail.net ip4: ip4: -all

17 websites similar to Unirioja.es

1.Redalyc.org(26% similarity)

redalyc.org Rank:8,007 Worth:$860,000 DA:74

Scientific Information System Redalyc. Network of Scientific Journals. Non-profit academy-owned Open Access. Diamond open access model.

2.Scielo.org.mx(20% similarity)

scielo.org.mx Rank:14,416 Worth:$430,000 DA:71

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online

3.Scielo.org.co(18% similarity)

scielo.org.co Rank:22,347 Worth:$280,000 DA:70

4.Um.es(15% similarity)

um.es Rank:12,725 Worth:$490,000 DA:75

Web de la Universidad de Murcia

5.Sld.cu(14% similarity)

sld.cu Rank:18,388 Worth:$340,000 DA:71

6.Unam.mx(14% similarity)

unam.mx Rank:2,567 Worth:$2,700,000 DA:92

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7.Ucm.es(11% similarity)

ucm.es Rank:13,094 Worth:$480,000 DA:88

La mayor universidad presencial de España, con la mejor oferta educativa. En Madrid, rodeada de zonas verdes y con una intensa vida cultural y deportiva.

8.Unlp.edu.ar(11% similarity)

unlp.edu.ar Rank:17,227 Worth:$360,000 DA:71

Portal institucional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina » 27 julio, 2022

9.Ugr.es(10% similarity)

ugr.es Rank:16,528 Worth:$380,000 DA:82

Fundada en 1531, institución de carácter docente e investigador. Con más de 54000 estudiantes, es primer destino Erasmus y está en posiciones destacadas en rankings como Shanghai

10.Us.es(11% similarity)

us.es Rank:18,609 Worth:$340,000 DA:78

11.Uv.es(9% similarity)

uv.es Rank:11,601 Worth:$540,000 DA:82

12.Docplayer.es(9% similarity)

docplayer.es Rank:11,773 Worth:$530,000 DA:73

Le proporcionamos las herramientas cómodas y gratuitas para publicar y compartir la información.

13.Upv.es(8% similarity)

upv.es Rank:12,591 Worth:$500,000 DA:77

14.Unir.net(7% similarity)

unir.net Rank:8,766 Worth:$790,000 DA:71

La Universidad Online a distancia: estudios de Grado, Postgrado o Máster Oficial. ✦A tu ritmo ✦100% online ✦Con tu tutor personal en la universidad virtual

15.Uc3m.es(6% similarity)

uc3m.es Rank:22,955 Worth:$270,000 DA:75


16.Unican.es(6% similarity)

unican.es Rank:37,082 Worth:$170,000 DA:65

17.Culturaydeporte.gob.es(3% similarity)

culturaydeporte.gob.es Rank:83,036 Worth:$75,000

Web del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Incluye información sobre funciones, áreas, organismos, noticias de actualidad, agenda, becas y ayudas, etc.

Typos of Unirioja.es

Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Unirioja.es. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Unirioja.es:

  1. ynirioja.es
  2. hnirioja.es
  3. jnirioja.es
  4. inirioja.es
  5. 8nirioja.es
  6. 7nirioja.es
  7. ubirioja.es
  8. umirioja.es
  9. ujirioja.es
  10. uhirioja.es
  11. unurioja.es
  12. unjrioja.es
  13. unkrioja.es
  14. unorioja.es
  15. un9rioja.es
  16. un8rioja.es
  17. unieioja.es
  18. unidioja.es
  19. unifioja.es
  20. unitioja.es
  21. uni5ioja.es
  22. uni4ioja.es
  23. uniruoja.es
  24. unirjoja.es
  25. unirkoja.es
  26. unirooja.es
  27. unir9oja.es
  28. unir8oja.es
  29. uniriija.es
  30. unirikja.es
  31. unirilja.es
  32. uniripja.es
  33. uniri0ja.es
  34. uniri9ja.es
  35. unirioha.es
  36. uniriona.es
  37. unirioma.es
  38. unirioka.es
  39. unirioia.es
  40. unirioua.es
  41. uniriojz.es
  42. uniriojs.es
  43. uniriojw.es
  44. uniriojq.es
  45. nirioja.es
  46. uirioja.es
  47. unrioja.es
  48. uniioja.es
  49. uniroja.es
  50. unirija.es
  51. unirioa.es
  52. unirioj.es
  53. nuirioja.es
  54. uinrioja.es
  55. unriioja.es
  56. uniiroja.es
  57. uniroija.es
  58. unirijoa.es
  59. unirioaj.es
  60. uunirioja.es
  61. unnirioja.es
  62. uniirioja.es
  63. unirrioja.es
  64. uniriioja.es
  65. uniriooja.es
  66. uniriojja.es
  67. uniriojaa.es

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