вокабула.рф Web Analysis and Statistics
Website Summary
When was the website вокабула.рф released?
вокабула.рф was registered on September 13, 2013 (11 years 4 months 9 days ago).
What is the traffic rank for вокабула.рф?
Website вокабула.рф ranked 379,894 globally and 35,052 in Ukraine.
How many people visit вокабула.рф each day?
вокабула.рф has about 2,800 visits and 7,900 pageviews per day.
Which countries does вокабула.рф receive most of its visitors from?
вокабула.рф is mostly visited by people located in Ukraine.
How much does вокабула.рф earn a month?
Each month вокабула.рф can earn $570 from advertising revenue.
How much is вокабула.рф worth?
Estimated value of вокабула.рф is $10,000
Who is registrar of вокабула.рф domain?
The вокабула.рф domain is registered and managed by REGTIME-RF
What is the Ascii domain name of вокабула.рф?
вокабула.рф is a domain name in Unicode format, it also has Ascii format as xn--80aacc4bir7b.xn--p1ai. Accessing these two formats gives the same results, they can be used interchangeably in many cases.
вокабула.рф's metrics:
- Global traffic rank:
- 379,894
- Traffic rank in Ukraine:
- 35,052
- Referring Domains:
- 53
- Daily income:
- $19.00
- Estimated Worth:
- $10,000
- Bing indexed pages:
- 1,180
- Yahoo indexed pages:
- 1,130
- Yandex indexed pages:
- 3,000
- Website category:
- Marketing/Merchandising
- Safety status:
- Safe
вокабула.рф Traffic Analysis
- Daily unique visitors:
- 2,800
- Daily pageviews:
- 7,900
- Daily pageviews per visitor:
- 2.8
- Daily time on site:
- 2:05 minutes
- Bounce rate:
- 71.0 %
- Monthly visits:
- 84,000
- Annual visits:
- 1,022,000
Traffic by country:
Top keywords by traffic:
вокабула.рф Domain Name Information
- Domain TLD:
- рф
- Domain Registrar:
- Registration Date:
- September 13, 2013
- Expiration Date:
- September 13, 2022
- Domain Age:
- 11 years 4 months 9 days
- Domain Status:
Domain Nameserver Information:
Full WHOIS Lookup:
nserver: ns1.firstvds.ru.
nserver: ns2.firstvds.ru.
person: Private Person
registrar: REGTIME-RF
admin-contact: http://whois.webnames.ru/
created: 2013-09-13T10:51:03Z
paid-till: 2022-09-13T11:51:03Z
free-date: 2022-10-14
source: TCI
Last updated on 2022-02-22T07:51:31Z
вокабула.рф Server Information
DNS Record Analysis:
RNAME: tech.firstvds.ru
Serial: 2019020606
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 604800
Minimum TTL: 86400
Target: mail.xn--80aacc4bir7b.xn--p1ai
Target: mail.xn--80aacc4bir7b.xn--p1ai
5 websites similar to вокабула.рф
1.Unlimited-translate.org(7% similarity)
Free Online Translation services and Free Online dictionaries for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian languages.
3.Slovonline.ru(6% similarity)
СловОнлайн - словари русского языка Даля, Ожегова,Ушакова, Ефремовой
4.Slovonovo.ru(5% similarity)
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