Yoco.co.za Web Analysis and Statistics

Website Summary

  • When was the website Yoco.co.za released?

    Yoco.co.za was registered on January 29, 2013 (11 years 10 months 27 days ago).

  • What is the traffic rank for Yoco.co.za?

    Website Yoco.co.za ranked 59,434 globally and 339 in South Africa.

  • How many people visit Yoco.co.za each day?

    Yoco.co.za has about 20,000 visits and 87,000 pageviews per day.

  • How much does Yoco.co.za earn a month?

    Each month Yoco.co.za can earn $4,500 from advertising revenue.

  • How much is Yoco.co.za worth?

    Estimated value of Yoco.co.za is $110,000

  • What IP addresses does Yoco.co.za resolve to?

    Yoco.co.za resolves to the IP addresses

  • Where is Yoco.co.za server located?

    Yoco.co.za's server is located in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, D8.

Yoco.co.za's metrics:

Global traffic rank:
Traffic rank in South Africa:
Domain authority:
43 / 100
Daily income:
Estimated Worth:
Bing indexed pages:
Yahoo indexed pages:
Website category:
Business, Software/Hardware
Safety status:

HTML Analysis

HTML Meta tags:

Title: Yoco Card Machines and Online Payments

Description: Sell more with Yoco card machines and online payments. No.1 partner for small business in South Africa. We make getting paid simple. Never miss a sale.

HTML Keywords: yoco card machines, card machine price, card machine costs, south africa, mobile card machine

Logo: yoco.co.za

HTML elements:

H1 Headings:
H2 Headings:
H3 Headings:
H4 Headings:
H5 Headings:
H6 Headings:
Total Images:
Total IFRAMEs:

Links analysis:

Total links:
Internal links:
Internal links (nofollow):
External links:
External links (nofollow):

HTML resources breakdown:

The homepage of yoco.co.za contains 143 resources, the total size is 2.24 MB. They are distributed as follows:

Resource type Resource count Size Percent
Document 1 40.05 KB 1.7 %
Image 68 1.29 MB 57.6 %
Font 5 143.81 KB 6.3 %
Script 35 575.61 KB 25.1 %
Stylesheet 1 14.42 KB 0.6 %
Media 0 0 0 %
Other 33 195.89 KB 8.6 %

In addition, the yoco.co.za homepage also uses 91 third-party resources, the total size is 1.58 MB.

HTTP Header:

Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 03:56:29 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
CF-Ray: 75be582a1848827a-IAD
Age: 311650
Cache-Control: public, max-age=14400
Expires: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 07:56:29 GMT
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Vary: Accept-Encoding
CF-Cache-Status: HIT
X-Nf-Request-Id: 01GFBAHVXWXC6R7YD347N52Z9E
Server: cloudflare
Content-Encoding: gzip
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400

Yoco.co.za Traffic Analysis

Daily unique visitors:
Daily pageviews:
Daily pageviews per visitor:
Monthly visits:
Annual visits:

Google Lighthouse Audit

Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages. Google Lighthouse audits websites on two separate mobile and desktop environments. Audit results are based on scores from 1-100 and are divided into 5 parts:

  • Performance: This is the most important part, it evaluates the performance of your website. Performance based on Core Web Vitals and key parameters such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
  • Accessibility: Test user accessibility to your web application.
  • Best Practices: Website Trust and Safety testing, extensions, XSS, HTTPS...
  • SEO (on page): These checks ensure that your page is following basic search engine optimization advice.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Check out the modern technologies used on your web app.

Here are the results of the Google Lighthouse audit for the website yoco.co.za:

On Mobile

Best Practices
0-49 50-89 90-100

On Desktop

Best Practices
SEO (on page)

Yoco.co.za SSL Certificate Information

yoco.co.za supports HTTPS with the following certificate information:

Common name: *.yoco.co.za
SANs: *.yoco.co.za, yoco.co.za
Serial Number: 84000592FEDE0520E911D6A43ECD318E
Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issuer: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Fingerprint: 928941982ce7b1cea7449c4b592d3941dc73ae0a
FingerprintSha256: c6b2e9c6da2d6ea1a0cf6cce200016b7e7511907e6987c469cc3e4735634c580

Yoco.co.za Domain Name Information

Domain TLD:
Registration Date:
January 29, 2013
Domain Age:
11 years 10 months 27 days

Domain Nameserver Information:

Host IP Address Country
ns.dns1.co.za 🇿🇦 South Africa
ns.dns2.co.za 🇿🇦 South Africa

Full WHOIS Lookup:

simple CO.ZA whois server
The CO.ZA simple whois server
© Copyright ZACR 1995-2022
Use of this facility subject to theterms of site usage
Your query has generated the following reply:-

Search on yoco (.co.za)
Match: One

Domain: yoco.co.za

Accounting info....
Date |Type| Cost |Invoices are E-Mail to....|Paid Date |ICnt| TrkNo |Billing Info

Flashing RED indicates that payment has not been received - please
confirm with the ZACR accounting department, [email protected], should this
not be according to your records. You have been sent 0 invoices/statements.

0a. lastupdate :
0b. emailsource : REDACTED
0c. emailposted :
0d. emailsubject :
0g. historycount :
0h. invoiceno :
0i. contracttype :
0j. rcsversion :
1a. domain : yoco.co.za
1b. action :
1c. Registrar : Afrihost
2a. registrant : REDACTED
2b. registrantpostaladdress: REDACTED
2c. registrantstreetaddress: REDACTED
2d. amount : REDACTED
2e. paymenttype : REDACTED
2f. billingaccount : REDACTED
2g. billingemail : REDACTED
2i. invoiceaddress : REDACTED
2j. registrantphone : REDACTED
2k. registrantfax : REDACTED
2l. registrantemail : REDACTED
2n. vat : REDACTED
3b. cname :
3c. cnamesub1 :
3d. cnamesub2 :
3e. creationdate : 2013/01/29 16:32:42
4a. admin : REDACTED
4b. admintitle : REDACTED
4c. admincompany : REDACTED
4d. adminpostaladdr : REDACTED
4e. adminphone : REDACTED
4f. adminfax : REDACTED
4g. adminemail : REDACTED
4h. adminnic : REDACTED
5a. tec : REDACTED
5b. tectitle : REDACTED
5c. teccompany : REDACTED
5d. tecpostaladdr : REDACTED
5e. tecphone : REDACTED
5f. tecfax : REDACTED
5g. tecemail : REDACTED
5h. tecnic : REDACTED
6a. primnsfqdn : ns.dns1.co.za
6b. primnsip :
6c. primnsipv6 :
6e. secns1fqdn : ns.dns2.co.za
6f. secns1ip :
6g. secns1ipv6 :
6i. secns2fqdn : ns.otherdns.net
6j. secns2ip :
6k. secns2ipv6 :
6m. secns3fqdn : ns.otherdns.com
6n. secns3ip :
6o. secns3ipv6 :
6q. secns4fqdn :
6r. secns4ip :
6s. secns4ipv6 :
8a. netblock1start :
8b. netblock1end :
8c. netblock2start :
8d. netblock2end :
8e. netblock3start :
8f. netblock3end :
9a. description1 :
9b. description2 :
9c. description3 :
9d. description4 :
9e. description5 :
9f. description6 :

Next Query - Domain name
Please refer to the CO.ZA contact details should you have any problems

Yoco.co.za Server Information

Server IP Address:
Hosted Country:
🇮🇪 Ireland
Latitude, longitude:
53.344 , -6.26719
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, D8

DNS Record Analysis:

Host Type TTL Extra
yoco.co.za A 14401 IP:
yoco.co.za NS 86400 Target: ns.dns1.co.za
yoco.co.za NS 86400 Target: ns.otherdns.com
yoco.co.za NS 86400 Target: ns.dns2.co.za
yoco.co.za NS 86400 Target: ns.otherdns.net
yoco.co.za SOA 14401 MNAME: dns1.afrihost.com
RNAME: support.afrihost.com
Serial: 2022092701
Refresh: 28800
Retry: 180
Expire: 2419200
Minimum TTL: 1800
yoco.co.za MX 14401 Priority: 20
yoco.co.za MX 14401 Priority: 30
yoco.co.za MX 14401 Priority: 10
yoco.co.za MX 14401 Priority: 20
yoco.co.za MX 14401 Priority: 30
yoco.co.za TXT 14401 TXT: v=spf1 include:spf.mandrillapp.com include:sendgrid.net include:_spf.google.com ~all
yoco.co.za TXT 14401 TXT: s0hmu7sma33vkf50npv0d5bmu8
yoco.co.za TXT 14401 TXT: google-site-verification=kG4upS39KvMGTjjqRphGqd1hrCSfkLD4AD07Q52DnkY
yoco.co.za TXT 14401 TXT: google-site-verification=ockbh8pWxsJPape_TjoWGsvpAbDhiKx4r4f1nn-Yzq4

Typos of Yoco.co.za

Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Yoco.co.za. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Yoco.co.za:

  1. toco.co.za
  2. goco.co.za
  3. hoco.co.za
  4. uoco.co.za
  5. 7oco.co.za
  6. 6oco.co.za
  7. yico.co.za
  8. ykco.co.za
  9. ylco.co.za
  10. ypco.co.za
  11. y0co.co.za
  12. y9co.co.za
  13. yoxo.co.za
  14. yovo.co.za
  15. yofo.co.za
  16. yodo.co.za
  17. yoci.co.za
  18. yock.co.za
  19. yocl.co.za
  20. yocp.co.za
  21. yoc0.co.za
  22. yoc9.co.za
  23. oco.co.za
  24. yco.co.za
  25. yoo.co.za
  26. yoc.co.za
  27. oyco.co.za
  28. ycoo.co.za
  29. yooc.co.za
  30. yyoco.co.za
  31. yooco.co.za
  32. yocco.co.za
  33. yocoo.co.za

Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Yoco.co.za website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.

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