Zilverenkruis.nl Web Analysis and Statistics
Website Summary
When was the website Zilverenkruis.nl released?
Zilverenkruis.nl was registered on November 10, 1994 (29 years 11 months 24 days ago).
What is the traffic rank for Zilverenkruis.nl?
Website Zilverenkruis.nl ranked 95,389 globally and 870 in Netherlands.
How many people visit Zilverenkruis.nl each day?
Zilverenkruis.nl has about 13,000 visits and 54,000 pageviews per day.
How much does Zilverenkruis.nl earn a month?
Each month Zilverenkruis.nl can earn $2,730 from advertising revenue.
How much is Zilverenkruis.nl worth?
Estimated value of Zilverenkruis.nl is $66,000
What IP addresses does Zilverenkruis.nl resolve to?
Zilverenkruis.nl resolves to the IP addresses
Where is Zilverenkruis.nl server located?
Zilverenkruis.nl's server is located in Noord-holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000.
Zilverenkruis.nl's metrics:
- Global traffic rank:
- 95,389
- Traffic rank in Netherlands:
- 870
- Daily income:
- $91.00
- Estimated Worth:
- $66,000
- Owner info:
- Achmea Verzekeringsholding N.V.
- Website category:
- Health
- Safety status:
- Safe
HTML Analysis
HTML Meta tags:
Title: Consumenten - Zilveren Kruis
Description: Zilveren Kruis heeft altijd een zorgverzekering die bij u past. Als zorgverzekeraar kijken we naar gezondheid als een totaalplaatje. Alles telt mee.
HTML elements:
- H1 Headings:
- 1
- H2 Headings:
- 1
- H3 Headings:
- 12
- H4 Headings:
- 0
- H5 Headings:
- 0
- H6 Headings:
- 0
- Total Images:
- 8
- Total IFRAMEs:
- 0
Links analysis:
- Total links:
- 157
- Internal links:
- 99
- Internal links (nofollow):
- 0
- External links:
- 7
- External links (nofollow):
- 0
HTML resources breakdown:
The homepage of zilverenkruis.nl contains 44 resources, the total size is 1.50 MB. They are distributed as follows:
In addition, the zilverenkruis.nl homepage also uses 12 third-party resources, the total size is 242.64 KB.
HTTP Header:
Http-Version: 1.1
Status-Code: 200
Status: 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:11:20 GMT
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Vary: Accept-Encoding
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Zilverenkruis.nl Traffic Analysis
- Daily unique visitors:
- 13,000
- Daily pageviews:
- 54,000
- Daily pageviews per visitor:
- 4.2
- Monthly visits:
- 390,000
- Annual visits:
- 4,745,000
Google Lighthouse Audit
Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages. Google Lighthouse audits websites on two separate mobile and desktop environments. Audit results are based on scores from 1-100 and are divided into 5 parts:
- Performance: This is the most important part, it evaluates the performance of your website. Performance based on Core Web Vitals and key parameters such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
- Accessibility: Test user accessibility to your web application.
- Best Practices: Website Trust and Safety testing, extensions, XSS, HTTPS...
- SEO (on page): These checks ensure that your page is following basic search engine optimization advice.
- Progressive Web App (PWA): Check out the modern technologies used on your web app.
Here are the results of the Google Lighthouse audit for the website zilverenkruis.nl:
On Mobile
On Desktop
Zilverenkruis.nl SSL Certificate Information
Common name: www.zilverenkruis.nl
SANs: www.zilverenkruis.nl, zilverenkruis.nl
Organization: Achmea Interne Diensten N.V.
Location: Zeist, Utrecht, NL
Serial Number: 6230388AF67CB76DEB9D4AB0C801EC9A603C25D0
Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA256
Issuer: QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G2
Fingerprint: 2fe1926bbc87dafa6ec55dc6b4040d9caa50446e
FingerprintSha256: c56dc9695202543f3029cbb519608132f2c336a4b1c6449d2ff171e4e5015d32
Zilverenkruis.nl Domain Name Information
- Domain TLD:
- nl
- Registration Date:
- November 10, 1994
- Domain Age:
- 29 years 11 months 24 days
- Domain Status:
- active
Domain Nameserver Information:
Full WHOIS Lookup:
Status: active
Novagraaf Nederland B.V.
Hoogoorddreef 5
1101BA Amsterdam
Abuse Contact:
Creation Date: 1994-11-10
Updated Date: 2022-06-02
Domain nameservers:
Record maintained by: NL Domain Registry
Copyright notice
No part of this publication may be reproduced, published, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior
permission of the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the
Netherlands (SIDN).
These restrictions apply equally to registrars, except in that
reproductions and publications are permitted insofar as they are
reasonable, necessary and solely in the context of the registration
activities referred to in the General Terms and Conditions for .nl
Any use of this material for advertising, targeting commercial offers or
similar activities is explicitly forbidden and liable to result in legal
action. Anyone who is aware or suspects that such activities are taking
place is asked to inform the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration
in the Netherlands.
(c) The Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands
(SIDN) Dutch Copyright Act, protection of authors' rights (Section 10,
subsection 1, clause 1).
Zilverenkruis.nl Server Information
- Server IP Address:
- Hosted Country:
- ๐ณ๐ฑ Netherlands
- Latitude, longitude:
- 52.3785 , 4.89998
- Location:
- Noord-holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000
DNS Record Analysis:
RNAME: tech.brandshelter.com
Serial: 2022110801
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 604800
Minimum TTL: 300
Target: zilverenkruis-nl.mail.protection.outlook.com
4 websites similar to Zilverenkruis.nl
1.Cz.nl(25% similarity)
Ruime keuze aan zorgverzekeringen, scherpe premie, hulp bij het regelen van zorg en eenvoudig online declareren. Bekijk alle voordelen van CZ en stap over.
2.Vgz.nl(14% similarity)
Coรถperatie VGZ is er voor jouw gezondheid en zorg. We helpen je gezonder leven makkelijker te maken. En samen blijven we de zorg verbeteren. De VGZ Zorgverzekering voor iedereen.
3.Menzis.nl(11% similarity)
Zoekt u een zorgverzekering die bij u past? Sluit dan een verzekering af bij zorgverzekeraar Menzis. Uitstekende vergoedingen en goede dienstverlening.
4.Zorgwijzer.nl(11% similarity)
Zorgverzekeringen vergelijken doe je op Zorgwijzer. Vergelijk & bespaar tot โฌ 402 op je zorgverzekering. Gemakkelijk & snel overstappen.
Typos of Zilverenkruis.nl
Sometimes, misspellings make a good domain name. And spelling errors are also a great way to create keywords for SEO. And the following are all possible typos of Zilverenkruis.nl. You can use them for competitive domain name search or for SEO strategies for Zilverenkruis.nl:
- xilverenkruis.nl
- silverenkruis.nl
- ailverenkruis.nl
- zulverenkruis.nl
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- z8lverenkruis.nl
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- zilverenkrusi.nl
- zzilverenkruis.nl
- ziilverenkruis.nl
- zillverenkruis.nl
- zilvverenkruis.nl
- zilveerenkruis.nl
- zilverrenkruis.nl
- zilvereenkruis.nl
- zilverennkruis.nl
- zilverenkkruis.nl
- zilverenkrruis.nl
- zilverenkruuis.nl
- zilverenkruiis.nl
- zilverenkruiss.nl
Thank you for reading our analysis & statistics about Zilverenkruis.nl website. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends. If you have any suggestions, please comment below or contact us.